Windows tutorials
Reliable Software
Windows API Tutorials
Tutorial Navigation
Dialog-based App
Generic Dialog
Pens and Brushes
Folder Watcher
Shell API
Smart OLE
OLE Automation
Splitter Bar

Subscription and off-line browsing

You can subscribe to our tutorials directly, or
You can view our tutorials off-line by using the subscription option in your browser. Both Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 and Netscape Navigator 4.0 have this option.

Some of you asked why we don't provide a zipped version of the tutorials. Unfortunately we don't have the resources to keep both versions in synch. Sorry!

We have only tested it in IE 4.0. To subscribe to Win32 tutorials
  • Add current page to your Favorites and
  • Choose the option to subscribe by clicking on "Yes, notify me of updates and download the page for offline viewing."
  • Click on "Customize,"
  • Choose "Download this page and pages linked to it."
  • Choose link depth 1 to get all the Windows tutorials (or 2, if you want the source code for the examples).

You may also subscribe to our C++ in Action web book by going to any of these sections: and subscribing with link depth 3.
The tutorial is less than 0.5 MB and the book is about a megabyte, and you can do the downloading during off-peak hours. To update the pages on your computer,
  • Select Manage Subscriptions from the Favorites menu.
  • Select the subscription(s) you want to refresh and
  • Click on the Update button.

When you are ready to browse, Select Work Off-line from your browser's File menu and go to your Favorites menu.