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Imperfect C++ Practical Solutions for Real-Life Programming
By Matthew Wilson
Table of Contents
Chapter 25.  Fast, Non-intrusive String Concatenation

25.4. Concatenation Seeding

Since the + operator is left-to-right associative, the compiler takes its cue from the left-hand argument prior to looking at the right-hand argument. We can take advantage of this to lead it down the path we want it to follow.

In the same namespace as fast_string_concatenator<> is defined another class fsc_seed:

class fsc_seed


We saw references to this in the constructor of the Data nested class and the DataType enum. This class extends the nonintrusive nature of the technique by allowing us to seed a concatenation sequence involving any string type to use fast concatenation:

String s = fsc_seed() + s1 + " " + s2 + " " + s3;

In this case, all we need to make it work is define a single operator +() overload:


  operator +(fsc_seed const &lhs, String const &rhs)


  return fast_concat_t(lhs, rhs);


and the compiler does the rest. The result of the first concatenation is fast_string_concatenator<String>, so the next operator is deduced (via Koenig lookup) to be one of the standard ones in the concatenator's namespace. Naturally, such a thing is a little ugly, but it's better than messing around in the headers of third-party libraries, and it's a solution where otherwise none is available. It also allows you to explicitly use fast concatenation in some parts of your code and not others. It's analogous to operator new(nothrow) (C++-98: 18.4).

Although it hardly counts as a disadvantage, when writing templates you must follow the constraint that the first element in the sequence after the seed is of string class type, rather than a character or a C-style string, since there would be no way to deduce the string type from the character type in the corresponding operator +():

template< . . . >

fast_string_concatenator<S, C, T>

  operator +(fsc_seed const &lhs, C const *rhs) // What is S??


  return fast_string_concatenator<S, C, T>(lhs, rhs);


The use of seeding does very little damage to the performance characteristics of fast concatenation.

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