Namespaces and Modules
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Namespaces and Modules

57. Keep a type and its nonmember function interface in the same namespace.

Nonmembers are functions too: Nonmember functions that are designed to be part of the interface of a class X (notably operators and helper functions) must be defined in the same namespace as the X in order to be called correctly.

58. Keep types and functions in separate namespaces unless they're specifically intended to work together.

Help prevent name lookup accidents: Isolate types from unintentional argument-dependent lookup (ADL, also known as Koenig lookup), and encourage intentional ADL, by putting them in their own namespaces (along with their directly related nonmember functions; see Item 57). Avoid putting a type into the same namespace as a templated function or operator.

59. Don't write namespace usings in a header file or before an #include.

Namespace usings are for your convenience, not for you to inflict on others: Never write a using declaration or a using directive before an #include directive.

Corollary: In header files, don't write namespace-level using directives or using declarations; instead, explicitly namespace-qualify all names. (The second rule follows from the first, because headers can never know what other header #includes might appear after them.)

60. Avoid allocating and deallocating memory in different modules.

Put things back where you found them: Allocating memory in one module and deallocating it in a different module makes your program fragile by creating a subtle long-distance dependency between those modules. They must be compiled with the same compiler version and same flags (notably debug vs. NDEBUG) and the same standard library implementation, and in practice the module allocating the memory had better still be loaded when the deallocation happens.

61. Don't define entities with linkage in a header file.

Repetition causes bloat: Entities with linkage, including namespace-level variables or functions, have memory allocated for them. Defining such entities in header files results in either link-time errors or memory waste. Put all entities with linkage in implementation files.

62. Don't allow exceptions to propagate across module boundaries.

Don't throw stones into your neighbor's garden: There is no ubiquitous binary standard for C++ exception handling. Don't allow exceptions to propagate between two pieces of code unless you control the compiler and compiler options used to build both sides; otherwise, the modules might not support compatible implementations for exception propagation. Typically, this boils down to: Don't let exceptions propagate across module/subsystem boundaries.

63. Use sufficiently portable types in a module's interface.

Take extra care when living on the edge (of a module): Don't allow a type to appear in a module's external interface unless you can ensure that all clients understand the type correctly. Use the highest level of abstraction that clients can understand.

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