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Example 1: A third-party header file. A library header file that you cannot change could contain a construct that causes (probably benign) warnings. Then wrap the file with your own version that #includes the original header and selectively turns off the noisy warnings for that scope only, and then #include your wrapper throughout the rest of your project. Example (note that the warning control syntax will vary from compiler to compiler):

// File: myproj/my_lambda.h -- wraps Boost's lambda.hpp

//  Always include this file; don't use lambda.hpp directly.

//  NOTE: Our build now automatically checks "grep lambda.hpp <srcfile>".

// Boost.Lambda produces noisy compiler warnings that we know are innocuous.

// When they fix it we'll remove the pragmas below, but this header will still exist.


#pragma warning(push)     // disable for this header only

 #pragma warning(disable:4512)

 #pragma warning(disable:4180)

 #include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>

#pragma warning(pop)      // restore original warning level

Example 2: "Unused function parameter." Check to make sure you really didn't mean to use the function parameter (e.g., it might be a placeholder for future expansion, or a required part of a standardized signature that your code has no use for). If it's not needed, simply delete the name of a function parameter:

// … inside a user-defined allocator that has no use for the hint …

// warning: "unused parameter 'localityHint'"

pointer allocate( size_type numObjects, const void *localityHint = 0 ) {

  return static_cast<pointer>( mallocShared( numObjects * sizeof(T) ) );


// new version: eliminates warning

pointer allocate( size_type numObjects, const void * /* localityHint */ = 0 ) {

  return static_cast<pointer>( mallocShared( numObjects * sizeof(T) ));


Example 3: "Variable defined but never used." Check to make sure you really didn't mean to reference the variable. (An RAII stack-based object often causes this warning spuriously; see Item 13.) If it's not needed, often you can silence the compiler by inserting an evaluation of the variable itself as an expression (this evaluation won't impact run-time speed):

// warning: "variable 'lock' is defined but never used"

void Fun() {

 Lock lock;

 // …


// new version: probably eliminates warning

void Fun() {

 Lock lock;


 // …


Example 4: "Variable may be used without being initialized." Initialize the variable (see Item 19).

Example 5: "Missing return." Sometimes the compiler asks for a return statement even though your control flow can never reach the end of the function (e.g., infinite loop, tHRow statements, other returns). This can be a good thing, because sometimes you only think that control can't run off the end. For example, switch statements that do not have a default are not resilient to change and should have a default case that does assert( false ) (see also Items 68 and 90):

// warning: missing "return"

int Fun( Color c ) {

 switch( c ) {

 case Red:   return 2;

 case Green: return 0;

 case Blue:

 case Black: return 1;



// new version: eliminates warning

int Fun( Color c ) {

 switch( c ) {

 case Red:   return 2;

 case Green: return 0;

 case Blue:

 case Black: return 1;

 default:    assert( !"should never get here!" );   // !"string" evaluates to false

             return -1;



Example 6: "Signed/unsigned mismatch." It is usually not necessary to compare or assign integers with different signedness. Change the types of the variables being compared so that the types agree. In the worst case, insert an explicit cast. (The compiler inserts that cast for you anyway, and warns you about doing it, so you're better off putting it out in the open.)

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