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Example 1: Overloading. Say you have a Widget::Widget( unsigned int ) that can be invoked implicitly, and a Display function overloaded for Widgets and doubles. Consider the following overload resolution surprise:

void Display( double );             // displays a double

void Display( const Widget& );      // displays a Widget

Display( 5 );                       // oops: creates and displays a Widget

Example 2: Errors that work. Say you provide operator const char* for a String class:

class String {

  // …


  operator const char*();          // deplorable form


Suddenly, a lot of silly expressions now compile. Assume s1, s2 are Strings:

int x = s1 - s2;                // compiles; undefined behavior

const char* p = s1 - 5;         // compiles; undefined behavior

p = s1 + '0';                   // compiles; doesn't do what you'd expect

if( s1 == "0" ) { ...}          // compiles; doesn't do what you'd expect

The standard string wisely avoids an operator const char* for exactly this reason.

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