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Example: std::swap. The basic swap template swaps two values a and b by creating a temp copy of a, assigning a = b, and assigning b = temp. How can you extend it for your own types? For example, let's say you have your own type Widget in your own namespace N:

namespace N {

 class Widget {/* … */};


Suppose that you have a more efficient way to swap two Widget objects. To enable it for use with the standard library, should you provide an overload of swap (in the same namespace as Widget; see Item 57) or specialize std::swap directly? The standard is unclear, and existing practice varies considerably (see Item 65). Today, in practice, on some implementations a correct answer is to provide an overload in the same namespace as Widget. For the above nontemplate Widget:

namespace N {

 void swap( Widget&, Widget& );


But note that if Widget is instead a template,

namespace N {

 template<typename T> class Widget {/*…*/};


then specializing std::swap isn't even possible, because there's no such thing as a partial specialization of a function template. The best you can do is add the overload:

namespace ??? {

 template<typename T> void swap( Widget<T>&, Widget<T>& );


but this is problematic because if you put it in the namespace of Widget, then many implementations won't find it, but the standard forbids you from putting it in std. Catch-22. This problem would not exist if the standard either specified that overloads in the namespace of the type will be found, or allowed you to add overloads to namespace std, or (getting back to the point of this Item) specified swap to be implemented in terms of a class template that you could partially specialize.

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