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vector (primarily) and string::c_str and string::data (secondarily) are the best way to communicate data with non-C++ APIs in general, and C libraries in particular.

vector's storage is always contiguous, so accessing the address of its first element returns a pointer to its contents. Use &*v.begin(), &v[0] , or &v.front() to get a pointer to v's first element. To get a pointer to a vector's n-th element, prefer to do the arithmetic first and take the address later (e.g., &v.begin()[n] or &v[n]) instead of fetching a pointer to front and then doing pointer arithmetic (e.g., (&v.front())[n]). This is because in the former case you are giving a checked implementation a crack at verifying that you don't access an element outside v's bounds (see Item 83).

Do not assume that v.begin() returns a pointer to the first element, or in general that vector iterators are pointers. Although some STL implementations do define vector<T>::iterators as bare T* pointers, iterators can be, and increasingly are, full-blown types (see again Item 83).

Although most implementations use contiguous memory for string, that's not guaranteed, so never take the address of a character in a string and assume it points to contiguous memory. The good news is that string::c_str always returns a null-terminated C-style string. (string::data also returns a pointer to contiguous memory, except that it's not guaranteed to be zero-terminated.)

When you pass pointers into a vector v's data, C code can both read from and write to v's elements but must stay within size's bounds. A well-designed C API takes a maximum number of objects (up to v.size()) or a past-the-end pointer (&*v.begin()+v.size()).

If you have a container of T objects other than vector or string and want to pass its contents to (or populate it from) a non-C++ API that expects a pointer to an array of T objects, copy the container's contents to (or from) a vector<T> that can directly communicate with the non-C++ API.

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