Design Style
Team LiB
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Design Style

Fools ignore complexity. Pragmatists suffer it. Some can avoid it. Geniuses remove it.

Alan Perlis

But I also knew, and forgot, Hoare's dictum that premature optimization is the root of all evil in programming.

Donald Knuth, The Errors of TeX [Knuth89]

It's difficult to fully separate Design Style and Coding Style. We have tried to leave to the next section those Items that generally crop up when actually writing code.

This section focuses on principles and practices that apply more broadly than just to a particular class or function. A classic case in point is the balance among simplicity and clarity (Item 6), avoiding premature optimization (Item 8), and avoiding premature pessimization (Item 9). Those three Items apply, not just at the function-coding level, but to the larger areas of class and module design tradeoffs and to far-reaching application architecture decisions. (They also apply to all programmers. If you think otherwise, please reread the above Knuth quote and note its citation.)

Following that, many of the other Items in this and the following section deal with aspects of dependency managementa cornerstone of software engineering and a recurring theme throughout the book. Stop and think of some random good software engineering techniqueany good technique. Whichever one you picked, in one way or another it will be about reducing dependencies. Inheritance? Make code written to use the base class less dependent on the actual derived class. Minimize global variables? Reduce long-distance dependencies through widely visible data. Abstraction? Eliminate dependencies between code that manipulates concepts and code that implements them. Information hiding? Make client code less dependent on an entity's implementation details. An appropriate concern for dependency management is reflected in avoiding shared state (Item 10), applying information hiding (Item 11), and much more.

Our vote for the most valuable Item in this section goes to Item 6: Correctness, simplicity, and clarity come first. That they really, really must.

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