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Imperfect C++ Practical Solutions for Real-Life Programming
By Matthew Wilson
Table of Contents
Chapter 31.  Return Value Lifetime

31.11. Return Value Lifetime: Coda

I hope this chapter has provided you with a look into a different way of doing conversions, and that it's given you food for thought. In general, I think it's wise to profile the libraries you're using, even the standard libraries, and not just accept what you're given. It's interesting that some of the very best compilers are linked to lackluster libraries.

I also hope you've had a chance to ruminate about the subjects of threading and reentracy, and enjoyed the practical application of some of the threading techniques we learned in Chapter 10.

But most important, I hope you've enhanced or affirmed your knowledge about the problems of return value lifetime, and the trade-offs that we, as C++ practitioners, make in using this powerful and efficient language.

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