Paragraph Formatting

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Reset Paragraph Format

Resets all paragraph formats for the current paragraph, or for a highlighted block of text.

To reset the paragraph formats for the current paragraph, press [Alt]+[P]. To reset the formats for a block of lines, highlight a block and press [Alt]+[P].

Paragraph Centering

Centers all lines in the current paragraph or all lines in a highlighted block of text.

To center the current paragraph, press [Alt]+[8], or select the Paragraph | Center menu option. To center a block of lines, highlight a block of text and press [Alt]+[8], or select the Paragraph | Center menu option.

Paragraph Right Justification

Right justifies all lines in the current paragraph, or all lines in a highlighted block of text.

To right-justify the current paragraph, press [Alt]+[9], or select the Paragraph | Right Justify menu option. To right justify a block of lines, highlight a block of text and press [Alt]+[9], or select the Paragraph | Right Justify menu option.

Paragraph Justification

Block-justifies text on both left and right margins.

To justify the current paragraph, select the Paragraph | Justify Both menu option. To justify a block of lines, highlight a block of text and then select this option from the menu.

Paragraph Double Spacing

Double space all lines in the current paragraph or all lines in a highlighted block of text. A double spaced paragraph has a blank line of between each text line.

To double space the current paragraph, select the Paragraph | Double Space menu option. To double space a block of lines, highlight a block of text and select the Paragraph | Double Space menu option.

Paragraph Indentation (Left)

Use this selection to create a left indentation for all lines in the current paragraph, or for all lines in a selected block of text. The successive use of this option increases the amount of left indentation.

To apply the left indentation to the current paragraph, press [Alt]+[L], or select the Paragraph | Indent Left menu option. To apply the left indentation to a block of lines, highlight a block of text and press [Alt]+[L], or select the Paragraph | Indent Left menu option.

To create the left indentation using the mouse, click on the indentation symbol on the lower left end of the ruler. Drag the cursor to the required location. The indentation created using this method is applicable to every line in the paragraph except the first line.

Paragraph Indentation (Right)

Use this selection to create a right indentation for all lines in the current paragraph or for all lines in a highlighted block of text. The successive use of this option increases the amount of right indentation.

To apply the right indentation to the current paragraph, press [Alt]+[R], or select the Paragraph | Indent Right menu option. To apply the right indentation to a block of lines, highlight a block of text and press [Alt]+[R] or select the Paragraph | Indent Right menu option.

To create the right indentation using the mouse, click on the indentation symbol on the lower right end of the ruler. Drag the cursor to the required location.

Paragraph Hanging Indentation

This option is similar to paragraph left indentation, except that the indentation is not applied to the first line of the paragraph.

To apply the hanging indentation to the current paragraph, press [Alt]+[T] or select the Paragraph | Hanging Indent menu option. To apply the left indentation to a block of lines, highlight a block of text and press [Alt]+[T], or select the Paragraph | Hanging Indent menu option.

To create the hanging indentation using the mouse, click on the indentation symbol on the upper left end of the ruler. Drag the cursor to the required location.

Paragraph Keep Together

When this attribute is selected for a paragraph, the editor attempts to keep all lines within the paragraph on the same page. Select the Paragraph | Keep Together menu option.

Paragraph Keep with Next

When this attribute is turned on for a paragraph, the editor attempts to keep the last line of the current paragraph and the first line of the next paragraph on the same page. Select the Paragraph | Keep with Next menu option.

Widow/Orphan Control

When this attribute is turned on for a paragraph, the editor attempts to avoid widow/orphan paragraphs. An 'orphan' paragraph results when the last line of the paragraph lies on the next page. A 'widow' paragraph results when the first line of the paragraph lies on the previous page. Select the Paragraph | Widow/Orphan Control menu option.