R (Glossary)

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A source object realizes the destination object. Realize is used to express traceability and completeness in the model ?a business process or requirement is realized by one or more use cases which are in turn realized by some classes which in turn are realized by a component, and so on.

receive [a message]

The handling of a stimulus passed from a sender instance.

See also: sender, receiver


An element used to define the acceptance or receipt of a request. Movement on to the next action occurs until it has received what is defined.

receiver [object]

The object handling a stimulus passed from a sender object.

Contrast: sender


A declaration that a classifier is prepared to react to the receipt of a signal.


A type of message used in sequence diagrams to indicate a recursive function.


1.A denotation of a model element.
2.A named slot within a classifier that facilitates navigation to other classifiers.

Synonym: pointer


UML 2 supports both expansion regions and interruptible activity regions. An Expansion Region defines the bounds of a region consisting of one or more sets of input collections, where an input collection is a set of elements of the same type. An interruptible region contains activity nodes - when a token leaves an interruptible region, this terminates all of the region's tokens and behaviors.


A relationship that represents a fuller specification of something that has already been specified at a certain level of detail. For example, a design class is a refinement of an analysis class.


A semantic connection among model elements. Examples of relationships include associations and generalizations.


A facility for storing object models, interfaces, and implementations.


A connector that indicates a collaboration is used in a classifier. The connector is drawn from the collaboration to its owning classifier.


A required feature, property, or behavior of a system.


A contract or obligation of a classifier.


The use of a pre-existing artifact.

reverse engineering

The process of importing source code into the model as standard UML model elements (such as classes, attributes and operations).

rich text format

A standard mark-up language for creating word processor documents, frequently associated with Microsoft Word.

robustness diagram

Enterprise Architect supports business process modeling extensions from the UML business process model profile. Robustness diagrams are used in the Iconix Process - you can read more about this at www.sparxsystems.com/iconix/iconixsw.htm.


1.The named detail and rules associated with one end of an association. Can indicate name, constraints, multiplicity and collection details.
2.The named specific behavior of an entity participating in a particular context. A role can be static (eg. an Association end) or dynamic (eg. a Collaboration role).

role binding

The mapping between a collaboration occurrence's internal roles and the respective parts required to implement a specific situation. The associated parts can have properties defined to enable the binding to occur, and the collaboration to take place.

run time

The period of time during which a computer program executes.

Contrast: modeling time