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Chapter 10. State Machine Diagrams

State machine diagrams are a familiar technique to describe the behavior of a system. Various forms of state diagrams have been around since the 1960s and the earliest object-oriented techniques adopted them to show behavior. In object-oriented approaches, you draw a state machine diagram for a single class to show the lifetime behavior of a single object.

Whenever people write about state machines, the examples are inevitably cruise controls or vending machines. As I'm a little bored with them, I decided to use a controller for a secret panel in a Gothic castle. In this castle, I want to keep my valuables in a safe that's hard to find. So to reveal the lock to the safe, I have to remove a strategic candle from its holder, but this will reveal the lock only while the door is closed. Once I can see the lock, I can insert my key to open the safe. For extra safety, I make sure that I can open the safe only if I replace the candle first. If a thief neglects this precaution, I'll unleash a nasty monster to devour him.

Figure 10.1 shows a state machine diagram of the controller class that directs my unusual security system.The state diagram starts with the state of the controller object when it's created: in Figure 10.1, the Wait state. The diagram indicates this with initial pseudostate, which is not a state but has an arrow that points to the initial state.

Figure 10.1. A simple state machine diagram


The diagram shows that the controller can be in three states: Wait, Lock, and Open. The diagram also gives the rules by which the controller changes from state to state. These rules are in the form of transitions: the lines that connect the states.

The transition indicates a movement from one state to another. Each transition has a label that comes in three parts: trigger-signature [guard]/activity. All the parts are optional. The trigger-signature is usually a single event that triggers a potential change of state. The guard, if present, is a Boolean condition that must be true for the transition to be taken. The activity is some behavior that's executed during the transition. It may be any behavioral expression. The full form of a trigger-signature may include multiple events and parameters. So in Figure 10.1, you read the outward transition from the Wait state as "In the Wait state if the candle is removed providing the door is open, you reveal the lock and move to the Lock state."

All three parts to a transition are optional. A missing activity indicates that you don't do anything during the transition. A missing guard indicates that you always take the transition if the event occurs. A missing trigger-signature is rare but does occur. It indicates that you take the transition immediately, which you see mostly with activity states, which I'll come to in a moment.

When an event occurs in a state, you can take only one transition out of it. So if you use multiple transitions with the same event, as in the Lock state of Figure 10.1, the guards must be mutually exclusive. If an event occurs and no transition is valid梖or example, a safe-closed event in the Wait state or a candle-removed event with the door closed梩he event is ignored.

The final state indicates that the state machine is completed, implying the deletion of the controller object. Thus, if someone should be so careless as to fall for my trap, the controller object terminates, so I would need to put the rabbit in its cage, mop the floor, and reboot the system.

Remember that state machines can show only what the object directly observes or activates. So although you might expect me to add or remove things from the safe when it's open, I don't put that on the state diagram, because the controller cannot tell.

When developers talk about objects, they often refer to the state of the objects to mean the combination of all the data in the fields of the objects. However, the state in a state machine diagram is a more abstract notion of state; essentially, different states imply a different way of reacting to events.

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