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XmlSchemaCollectionSystem.Xml.Schema (system.xml.dll)   sealed class 

public sealed class XmlSchemaCollection : ICollection, IEnumerable {
// Public Constructors
   public XmlSchemaCollection( );  
   public XmlSchemaCollection( System.Xml.XmlNameTable nametable);  
// Public Instance Properties
   public int Count{get; }                                            // implements ICollection
   public XmlNameTable NameTable{get; } 
   public XmlSchema this[ string ns ]{get; } 
// Public Instance Methods
   public void Add( XmlSchemaCollection schema);  
   public XmlSchema Add( string ns, string uri);  
   public XmlSchema Add( string ns, System.Xml.XmlReader reader);  
   public XmlSchema Add( string ns, System.Xml.XmlReader reader, System.Xml.XmlResolver resolver);  
   public XmlSchema Add( XmlSchema schema);  
   public XmlSchema Add( XmlSchema schema, System.Xml.XmlResolver resolver);  
   public bool Contains( string ns);  
   public bool Contains( XmlSchema schema);  
   public void CopyTo( XmlSchema[ ] array, int index);  
   public XmlSchemaCollectionEnumerator GetEnumerator( );  
// Events
   public event ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler;  

This type provides a collection of XmlSchema objects representing XSD or XML-Data Reduced (XDR) documents. It is used to efficiently validate a document using multiple schemas. Its Add( ) method is used to add an instance of XmlSchema to the collection, to add an XSD or XDR by URI, or to add the contents of an System.Xml.XmlReader. It implements System.Collections.ICollection and System.Collections.IEnumerable, so the appropriate members are overriden. Its indexer allows access to a particular XmlSchema index by its namespace URI.

Only an XSD is representable by an XmlSchema, so any XDR documents added to the collection are not accessible through members that accept or return an XmlSchema instance.

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