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13.3 Microsoft.XmlDiffPatch Namespace Reference

The Microsoft.XmlDiffPatch namespace contains classes which allow you to compare two XML documents. You can use the XmlDiff class to produce a third XML document, called an XML Difference Language (XDL) Diffgram, which lists the differences between the source documents, and you can use the XmlPatch class to recreate the changed document. You can specify details of how the differences are computed using the XmlDiffOptions and XmlDiffAlgorithm enumerations.

XmlDiffMicrosoft.XmlDiffPatch (xmldiffpatch.dll)    class 

public class XmlDiff {
// Public Constructors
   public XmlDiff( );  
   public XmlDiff( XmlDiffOptions options);  
// Public Static Fields
   public const string NamespaceUri;                                  // =http://schemas.microsoft.com/xmltools/2002/xmldiff
// Public Instance Fields
   public XmlDiffPerf _xmlDiffPerf;  
// Public Instance Properties
   public XmlDiffAlgorithm Algorithm{set; get; } 
   public bool IgnoreChildOrder{set; get; } 
   public bool IgnoreComments{set; get; } 
   public bool IgnoreDtd{set; get; } 
   public bool IgnoreNamespaces{set; get; } 
   public bool IgnorePI{set; get; } 
   public bool IgnorePrefixes{set; get; } 
   public bool IgnoreWhitespace{set; get; } 
   public bool IgnoreXmlDecl{set; get; } 
   public XmlDiffOptions Options{set; } 
// Public Static Methods
   public static XmlDiffOptions ParseOptions( string options);  
   public static bool VerifySource( System.Xml.XmlNode node, ulong hashValue, XmlDiffOptions options);  
// Public Instance Methods
   public bool Compare( string sourceFile, string changedFile, bool bFragments);  
   public bool Compare( string sourceFile, string changedFile, bool bFragments, System.Xml.XmlWriter diffgramWriter);  
   public bool Compare( System.Xml.XmlNode sourceNode, System.Xml.XmlNode changedNode);  
   public bool Compare( System.Xml.XmlNode sourceNode, System.Xml.XmlNode changedNode, System.Xml.XmlWriter diffgramWriter);  
   public bool Compare( System.Xml.XmlReader sourceReader, System.Xml.XmlReader changedReader);  
   public bool Compare( System.Xml.XmlReader sourceReader, System.Xml.XmlReader changedReader, 
        System.Xml.XmlWriter diffgramWriter);  

This type is used to generate an XML Difference Language Diffgram which describes the differences between two XML documents. The constructor takes an optional XmlDiffOptions argument, which specifies which XML node types may be ignored. Each XmlDiffOptions value may also be specified by one of the properties IgnoreChildOrder, IgnoreComments, IgnoreDtd, IgnoreNamespaces, IgnorePI, IgnorePrefixes, IgnoreWhitespace, and IgnoreXmlDecl, as well as through the Options property. The algorithm used to compute the Diffgram may be specified by setting the Algorithm property.

The Compare( ) method is used to actually compute the Diffgram and write it to a System.Xml.XmlWriter. The input XML documents may be specified as URIs, System.Xml.XmlNodes, or System.Xml.XmlReaders. You can specify a System.Xml.XmlWriter to output the Diffgram to. Compare( ) returns true if the input documents are equal.

XmlDiffAlgorithmMicrosoft.XmlDiffPatch (xmldiffpatch.dll) serializable  enum 

public enum XmlDiffAlgorithm {
   Auto = 0,
   Fast = 1,
   Precise = 2

This enumeration is used to specify the comparison algorithm for the XmlDiff class. For a quick but imprecise comparison, use Fast. For a more precise but slower comparison using the Zhang-Shasha algorithm, use Precise. To have XmlDiff make a best guess as to the best algorithm, based on document size, use Auto. Auto is the default value.


System.Object System.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparable, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible) XmlDiffAlgorithm

Returned By


Passed To


XmlDiffOptionsMicrosoft.XmlDiffPatch (xmldiffpatch.dll) serializable  enum 

public enum XmlDiffOptions {
   None = 0,
   IgnoreChildOrder = 1,
   IgnoreComments = 2,
   IgnorePI = 4,
   IgnoreWhitespace = 8,
   IgnoreNamespaces = 16,
   IgnorePrefixes = 32,
   IgnoreXmlDecl = 64,
   IgnoreDtd = 128

This enumeration is used to specify whether the XmlDiff class should ignore certain types of nodes when computing differences.


System.Object System.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparable, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible) XmlDiffOptions

Returned By

XmlDiff.ParseOptions( )

Passed To

XmlDiff.{Options, VerifySource( ), XmlDiff( )}

XmlPatchMicrosoft.XmlDiffPatch (xmldiffpatch.dll)    class 

public class XmlPatch {
// Public Constructors
   public XmlPatch( );  
// Public Instance Methods
   public void Patch( string sourceFile, System.IO.Stream outputStream, System.Xml.XmlReader diffgram);  
   public void Patch( System.Xml.XmlDocument sourceDoc, System.Xml.XmlReader diffgram);  
   public void Patch( refSystem.Xml.XmlNode sourceNode, System.Xml.XmlReader diffgram);  
   public void Patch( System.Xml.XmlReader sourceReader, System.IO.Stream outputStream, System.Xml.XmlReader diffgram);  

This type is used to recreate a changed XML document by applying the XML Difference Language Diffgram generated by XmlDiff to the original document.

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