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3.3 Summary

In this chapter, we designed and implemented an object to efficiently manage memory allocation. We outlined the requirements of such an object in terms of a commercial-quality image framework. Then we designed and implemented the solution, using reference counting and memory alignment techniques to achieve those requirements. Because the solution involved heavy use of templates, we also provided a review of some of the syntactic issues with templates, including class conversion to templates, template specialization, function templates, and function template specialization.

With our memory allocation object complete, we began prototyping different aspects of the image framework design. Our first prototype explored two different types of images, 8-bit and 32-bit images, to determine if there were enough similarities to influence the design. We found that the classes were indeed very similar, and we felt that the design should be extended to include inheritance and/or templates to take advantage of the commonality.

In our second prototype, we extended our first prototype by using templates to handle the similarity among image objects. In addition, we introduced the handle class idiom, so that image objects of different types could share the same underlying representation object. Then we took the prototype one step further by exploring more complex image types, such as RGB images. We found that the use of templates resulted in an efficient design that leveraged the similarities; however, the handle idiom did not provide any obvious advantages.

In our final prototype, we explored separating the image storage component from the image object, because of the amount of data our image classes contained. We felt this strategy might allow the eventual reuse of the image storage object by various image objects. Once again, we tried to apply the handle idiom in our solution. We found that dividing the image into storage and processing pieces enhanced the design, but the handle idiom did not provide any obvious benefits.

In Chapter 4, we consider other issues for the final design of our image framework, including: coding guidelines and practices, object creation with the goal of reusability, and the integration of debugging support into the framework's design.

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