FirstChild 属性


返回一个 DiagramNode 对象,该对象代表父节点的第一个子节点。


expression   必需。该表达式返回“应用于”列表中的对象之一。



Sub FirstChild()

    Dim shpDiagram As Shape
    Dim dgnRoot As DiagramNode
    Dim dgnFirstChild As DiagramNode
    Dim dgnLastChild As DiagramNode
    Dim intCount As Integer

    'Add organizational chart diagram to the current document
    Set shpDiagram = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddDiagram( _
        Type:=msoDiagramOrgChart, Left:=10, _
        Top:=15, Width:=400, Height:=475)

    'Add the first node to the diagram
    Set dgnRoot = shpDiagram.DiagramNode.Children.AddNode

    'Add three child nodes
    For intCount = 1 To 3
    Next intCount

    'Assign the first and last child nodes to variables
    Set dgnFirstChild = dgnRoot.Children.FirstChild
    Set dgnLastChild = dgnRoot.Children.LastChild

End Sub