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aliasing, configuring in SourceSafe, 226
API bugs, avoiding assumptions about, 21-24
debugging stored procedures in, 137
logging needs of, 122
accessing trace files with, 132
attaching debugger in, 118-119
compiled code in, 115
Control Tree tracing information in, 125
Cookies Collection tracing information in, 126
customizing debug asserts used with, 80-85
enabling tracing in, 123
Form Collection tracing information in, 127
Headers Collection tracing information in, 126-127
logging with, 122-135
overview of, 8, 113
Querystring Collection tracing information in, 128
Request Details section in, 123
Server Variables tracing information in, 129
timing of log statements in, 124
Trace Information section in, 124
tracing data in, 123-129
using debugger with, 114-121
writing to Trace Information section in, 134-135
ASP.NET controls, preserving values of, 127
ASP.NET error message, example of, 114
ASP.NET logs, writing from components to, 134-135
ASP.NET pages, using debug asserts with, 77, 79
ASP.NET tracing, enabling, 130-135
assemblies, role in CAS permissions, 163
Assert method
calling with System.Diagnostics.Debug class, 61
syntax for, 69
ASSERTION FAILED message, interpreting, 14
advantages and disadvantages of, 43-44
advisory about, 48
reviewing when debugging cell phone example, 48-49
AUTH field in ASP.NET Server Variables trace, purpose of, 129
AutoFlush property, using with text logs, 103
automated diagnostic utilities, overview of, 147-150

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