Implementation Report

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To view an implementation report, follow the steps below:

1.In the Project Browser window, right-click on the package to report on (the report includes all sub-packages as well) to open the context menu.
2.Select the Documentation | Implementation Report menu option.
3.The Implementation dialog displays a list of all elements that require implementers in the provided list, together with the elements that have been connected to those elements by a Realization (Implementation) link. Save or print the results if required.




Root Package

The root package. All elements and packages under this appear in the report.

Show unimplemented

Show non-implemented elements. Implemented elements are those that don't have any other element to realize them (eg. a Use Case has no component or class to implement the Use Case behavior).

Show Implemented

Show implemented elements. These are elements that do have some element associated with them in a realization relationship. For example a Use Case has a component that implements it.

Locate Object

Locate the element selected in the report list in the Project Browser window.


Run the report again.

Implementation Details

Lists elements in the current hierarchy and elements that implement them.


Print the list.

Set Target Types

By default Enterprise Architect only reports on Use Case, Requirement and a couple of other types. You can use this option to set the list of types you want to report on.  For further information see the Set Target Types Dialog topic.