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I/O (input/output)
    framework base classes 
    System.IO namespace and 
ICloneable interface  2nd 
IComparable interface 
IConfigurationSectionHandler interface
    configuration section and  2nd 
    custom configuration and 
    custom elements 
    DicionarySectionHandler and 
    IgnoreSectionHandler and 
Id property (XmlSchema) 
IDataAdapter interface 
IDataParameter interface 
IDataReader interface  2nd  3rd 
IDataRecord  2nd 
IDbCommand interface
    ExecuteNonQuery( ) method 
    ExecuteReader( ) method 
    ExecuteScalar( ) method 
    Parameters property  2nd 
    SQL commands and 
    updating databases 
IDbConnection interface
    CreateCommand( ) method 
    Open( ) method 
identifiers element (UDDI) 
IDisposable interface  2nd 
IDL (Interface Definition Language)
    DOM and 
    interface specification 
    WSDL and 
IEnumerable interface  2nd 
IEnumerator interface 
IFormatter class  2nd 
IgnoreChildOrder property (XmlDiff) 
IgnoreComments property (XmlDiff) 
IgnoreDtd property (XmlDiff) 
IgnoreNamespaces property (XmlDiff) 
IgnorePI property (XmlDiff) 
IgnorePrefixes property (XmlDiff) 
IgnoreSchema (XmlReadMode)  2nd 
IgnoreSectionHandler class  2nd  3rd 
IgnoreWhitespace property (XmlDiff) 
IgnoreXmlDecl property (XmlDiff) 
IHasXmlNode interface (System.Xml)  2nd  3rd 
import element (WSDL) 
ImportNode( ) method
    XmlDocument class 
ImportNode( ) method (XmlDocument) 
ImportTypeMapping( ) method (SoapReflectionImporter)  2nd  3rd 
IncludeInSchema property
    SoapTypeAttribute class 
    XmlTypeAttribute class 
indent attribute (xsl:output methods) 
Indentation property (XmlTextWriter)  2nd 
IndentChar property (XmlTextWriter)  2nd 
Infer class (XsdInference namespace)  2nd  3rd 
Infer.exe executable  2nd 
InferSchema( ) method (Infer)  2nd  3rd 
    DOM hierarchy  2nd 
    quick-reference entry 
    XmlNode hierarchy 
Insert( ) method (XmlSchemaObjectCollection) 
InsertAfter( ) method
InsertBefore( ) method
    XmlAttributeCollection class 
    XmlDocument class 
InsertCommand property (SqlDataAdapter) 
instance variables  2nd  3rd 
Int32.Parse( ) method 
Interface Definition Language  [See IDL]
interfaces  [See specific interfaces]
Internet  2nd  3rd 
Internet Protocol (IP) 
InvalidCastException  2nd 
IP (Internet Protocol) 
IsAbstract property
    XmlSchemaComplexType class 
    XmlSchemaElement class 
IsCompiled property (XmlSchema)  2nd 
IsEmptyElement property
ISerializable interface  2nd  3rd 
IsFixed property (XmlSchemaFacet) 
IsMixed property
    XmlSchemaComplexContent class 
    XmlSchemaComplexType class 
    XmlSchemaType class 
IsNillable property (XmlSchemaElement) 
IsNullable property
    SoapElementAttribute class 
    XmlArrayAttribute class 
    XmlArrayItemAttribute class 
    XmlElementAttribute class  2nd 
    XmlRootAttribute class 
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 
isolation (ACID property) 
Item property
items element 
Items property
    XmlSchema class 
    XmlSchemaAnnotation class 
    XmlSchemaChoice class 
    XmlSchemaGroupBase class 
    XmlSchemaSequence class 
ItemType property (XmlSchemaSimpleTypeList) 
ItemTypeName property (XmlSchemaSimpleTypeList) 
iteration (XSLT) 
IXmlLineInfo interface (System.Xml) 
IXPathNavigable interface (System.Xml.XPath)  2nd  3rd 
IXsltContextFunction interface (System.Xml.Xsl) 
IXsltContextVariable interface (System.Xml.Xsl) 

[ Team LiB ]